HALIFAX, NS — Bruce Geller, a student aiming to earn both an engineering degree and neuroscience degree simultaneously, takes his schooling very seriously. In an attempt to fast track earning two degrees, Geller has scheduled two classes at the exact same time.

Geller typically spends around 20 minutes in each class before suddenly announcing to his classes that he must leave, then dashing across campus to spend 20 minutes in the other class before repeating the process. The process was described as ‘uncomfortable’ by one witness.

“It’s foolproof really, you’d be surprised how many people fall for it when you say ‘I’m having a really nice night so far, but I’m going to go grab us some punch. I’ll be right back,” Geller said in a statement to The Mackerel

The students of both classes are onto Geller’s plan, having photo evidence and several group chats that effectively document his actions.  Despite how well known and generally unsuccessful the student’s charade is, everyone (including the professors) keeps their mouths shut in the hopes that one day, he will actually return with the punch.

By Jacob Waldner