Sasha Linden, a fourth-year biology major, finds herself in the midst of a quarter-life crisis after the stark
realization that her parents had already been dating for a year and a half at this point in their lives.

As spring graduation looms, Linden is fearful that she will be falling behind in life’s many
milestones when compared to her parents.

“No one can prepare you for this,” says Linden.
“Becoming a real adult is something that should be in the distant future — something to deal
with in your thirties — maybe forties. To think that I could be trying to meet a life partner, and not just
making out with strangers at Sea Horse — it’s scary.”

After staring blankly into space for several seconds, a dejected Linden finished with “My father
bought his first home by 21, and was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company by 24. My mom finished her
Ph.D. at 26 after having me and my 3 brothers. This is bullshit man…”