HALIFAX, N.S. —- As the recently nominated president of the Dal Commerce Society, Clayton Bordeaux is responsible for one of the largest student societies at Dalhousie University. Here’s what commerce students need to know about their esteemed leader

Marital status: If you ask his three situationships or his girlfriend, he is spoken for. If you ask dating apps downloaded on his phone, he is single. 

Greatest achievement: Being born the son of a successful accounting firm CEO.

Instagram bio: Discomfort is the enemy of progress

Hairstyle: Way too much gel (year round). Way too much gel with scraggly hairs on his upper lip (during Movember).

Pickup line: You ever been with a guy who grinds in the spreadsheets and the bedsheets? 

Favourite movie: Moana 2. Not every commerce bro likes The Wolf of Wall Street

By Sam Creighton