A woman with a stomachache puts her hands on her stomach and covers her mouth.

HALIFAX, NS — Over the past few weeks, Dalhousie University students have become familiar with a particular individual frequenting their residence washrooms. 

The student, who Dalhousie has requested to remain unnamed, has accumulated a significant amount of complaints for her frequent vomiting in residence washrooms, growing herself a prominent reputation for her poor ability to hold her liquor. 

Her range of target areas has been wide, reportedly being spotted in the washrooms of every Howe Hall house, several times at Risley and Shirreff Halls, and once at King’s. Several sources claim to have spotted her at Saint Mary’s University (SMU), though that remains unconfirmed, as most consider her still too classy for SMU.  

Students are demanding action from Dalhousie, not only out of concern for her weak stomach, but also her rude demeanour. 

“One time I was in the bathroom while she was throwing up,” said Howe Hall resident, Samantha Jackson. “I asked her if she was okay and she told me to ‘fuck off and mind my business’, which I think is really bold for someone who is actively touching the bathroom floor with bare hands.” 

Despite complaints, Dalhousie has remained near unresponsive to the situation, claiming her presence is an accessory to the washroom rather than a disruption.

“I mean the place is already disgusting,” said Howe Hall CAT Patrick Daniels. “With the grime on the floor, clogged toilets, overflowing garbage cans, slimy showers… someone throwing up really doesn’t make a difference. She fits in quite well, part of the ambiance, if you will,” they said shrugging. 

When asked if rather than accepting these problems, Dalhousie’s residence office could fix them instead, Daniels stated that answering such a question was above their duty and promptly ended the interview. 

Reported sightings of the washroom girl spiked over Homecoming (HOCO) weekend, along with sightings of many students joining her as part of the ambiance during HOCO as well.

By Lauren Sooksom