Halifax, N.S. — Dalhousie University has begun the hiring process for more mental health counsellors due to a recent controversy where a school appointed therapist was accused of “pick me behaviour” by the community.

Anita Fernandez was the first student to speak up about Dr Miranda Puckett’s inappropriate conduct. 

“Honestly, the first red flag was when she told me that my fear of intimacy was ‘giving insecure’” said Fernandez, “But the worst was by far was when she guessed that my mommy issues came from my birth mom planting hot sauce in my adoptive mother’s home to get me taken away by child protective services. That never even happened to me, that is literally just the plot of Glee. Then she made me guess the source of her mommy issues.”

Following the termination, the Mackerel reached out to Dr Puckett for a statement and received the following letter in response: 

What was I supposed to do? The girl only ever talked about herself. I was like O.M.G, conceited much? It’s giving narcissist. She talked about herself all damn day and eventually I thought, ‘What about me. WHAT ABOUT ME?’. And if she can’t handle me wanting to set boundaries and talk about someone other than her ex girlfriend for once, she is soooo toxic for that, and I can’t believe Dal is taking her side. Typical.

With Love, 

Dr Miranda Puckett

By Sam Creighton