HALIFAX, NS— Many Nova Scotians are left feeling conflicted as mask mandates have lifted province wide. While some are nervous that it is too soon for masks to come off, others are excited to live their lives mask free. 

In a poll of student’s feelings towards this major change, an anonymous couple expressed their excitement about ‘going maskless’ to The Mackerel.

“We started dating mid-pandemic, so we have never been able to have unprotected sex— and to be honest, we’ve been scared to,” they explained. 

“But now that mandates have lifted, we were eager to finally get rid of masks in the bedroom,” they continued.

When questioned by The Mackerel about the inherent risks associated with their behaviour, they replied, 

“We both have our boosters— so I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal for us. I have heard that the vaccine reduces fertility— so even if it doesn’t protect against Omicron, it is still reducing our risk of unwanted pregnancy.”

Dalhousie administration has expressed concerns over students going maskless, and have secured one box of Durex’s ‘So Thin You Can’t Feel It’ masks for every student living in residence, in hopes of encouraging responsible behaviour.